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Becoming a TANTEX member
TANTEX is one of the old and largest telugu organization in the US with more than 3000 members including 1322 + life time members.
TANTEX regularly keeps in touch with its members through its email newsletter and its quarterly magazine "TELUGU VELUGU". You can subscribe to the newsletter by sending an email to webadmin with the subject line: "Subscribe to TANTEX e-news". For advertising in TELUGU VELUGU or in the TANTEX membership directory please call Lakshmi Paleti 917-379-7766 or send an email to TANTEX committee with the subject line: "Advertising Information".
Becoming a member of TANTEX is easy, just download this form, print and mail to TANTEX along with the membership fee. After receiving your membership form and fee we will mail you back a receipt.
(OR) you can become TANTEX member through Online.

Membership FAQ

What type of memberships are available?

Currently TANTEX has two types of memberships:

Life membership:
  • One time $200 per family
  • Patrons $500

    Annual membership:
  • Family $20
  • Single $10
  • Student $5

  • How to serve in TANTEX committees?

    If you are interested to give back to your Telugu community you can do so by becoming a member of the TANTEX governing body including its sub-committees. You can download the application form here (OR) you can become TANTEX member through Online.